Chikan Shita Joshikousei to Sonogo
The protagonist is an ordinary businessman, almost 30 years old, with no girlfriend, however, he admires a beautiful girl he sees on the train every day. She is well developed, with beautiful hips and a very sensual body. One day, the protagonist molested her on the train. Since she didn't fight, he took her to a motel to have sex. So this would be the first time that she had normal sex. That was when she learned how good sex can be, and he got to know her tight ass and voluminous breasts, her nice, family-oriented personality, and how sometimes she can be a dirty girl. They fall in love, start dating and their dates have increased…
Chikan Shita Joshikousei to Sonogo
Episode 1
2020-04-19Episode 2
2020-04-19Join our community!
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